[online][EST][18+] Active and Experienced Roleplayer
Hey, I think this is my first time posting on this sub. I'm at the point in my life and gaming career where I only play 1-on-1 games for increased depth and better pacing. Although I've been in a number of 1-on-1 games in the past, unfortunately some "ghost GMs" and their fake accounts have reduced my pool of existing games so I'm looking to open up a few more. I'm a very active and dedicated roleplayer, from the eastern US, in my 30s and have been a GM in the hobby since early 2011.
I used to avoid the D&D system like the plague, but after an extended run of Baldur's Gate 3, my interest has been renewed.
Thus, I'm looking for a game again and am open to GMs of any experience level. I am also comfortable with any kind of themes and content in games, except real-life politics (in-game politics are great!).
Feel free to PM me your Discord info if you'd like to talk about it and we'll see if we mesh!
Please note, I am not interested in the following:
- Play-by-Post
- Paid Games
- Ghosters