Players cancelled last second. Bummed out DM.

Just wanted to vent I guess.

We agreed with two first time players to play a session Sunday morning. And here I am - coming up with characters, writing furiously, finding the correct atmospheric music (yes it's "epic fantasy battle music". It's always "epic fantasy battle music".).

It's your classic murder mystery campaign for 4-6 hours for two beginner players. Come Saturday night, I'm still polishing the game and adding details, spreading more clues around just in case my players may not find the ones I already had prepared for them. It's now 4am, and I finally call it a night. I set up my table, some candles and go to sleep.

Come morning 9am, I wake up having slept 5 hours. But it's all worth it since.. y'know, it's D&D™ time. My players text me they're a bit late. I say it's okay, morning after all. And then they.. cancel the game.

They're very nice about it, they already made plans to reschedule and hope to play in a couple of days.. but man. That feeling, it sucks - my DnD session got cancelled 20 minutes after it was supposed to start.