How many of you are in a healthy group?

Been playing for about two years now, and been playing in my current campaign for about a year. It never fails, most table I attend, there is a person that is draining. It has gotten exhausting and I am probably going to stop going to this group. On the other hand, I often wonder if it is me, as I am the common denominator. I do try and practice the opposite of what I am describing.

Some of the behavior in questions are:

  • recklessness: doing something that will harm others or the group.
  • main character syndrome: only considering yourself both in game and out of character (always wanting to be interesting instead of interested)
  • Not listening: it just seems like everyone has a response instead of trying to understand.
  • Greed: always wanting more.
  • Not paying attention: just seems like a lack of respect.
  • No empathy: this is just basic social skills.

I will say, I work in the helping profession, so I have studied social skills and how to be an effective communicator. I was just wondering, are you all playing in a healthy group? If so, how did you join?