I feel so less than
I really worry that I'll never shake this feeling of being an inferior man. Separated since January '23, official a couple of months ago. She left for a man she met online that's 8-10 years younger who moved here from a state over as soon as possible after the petition was filed. I thankfully had a low conflict divorce and have my kids 50/50. My kids love me and I know I'm a good dad, but it hurts so much whenever they come home and tell me about having fun with this new man. We built our lives around her family, since mine is fractured and dysfunctional, so they never had two full extended families to hang with. Now, when they're with Mom they have her family just like normal to bankroll vacations and have family time, plus they hang with new guy and sometimes visit his family who are larger and more connected.
Meanwhile dad's life is mostly solitary. I make good money but don't have parents to fund vacations during the divorce, and I've had to be conservative to pay everything and buy her out of the house. Next year will be better and I'll be able to do more on that front, but it just feels like except for money this new guy is so much better of a guy than I am. More fun, different culture, lots of family... I just don't know what I bring to the table anymore. Sorry if this is melodramatic, I'm just really feeling it today.