I found our version of Horseback Monument in my homeland

I live in Istanbul. Believe me, this city, especially some spesific districts, reminds me of Martinaise. I don’t know a lot about arcitecture but I think it is very similar.

When I saw this statue, immediately came to mind how much it looks like Horseback Monument. Of course our version don’t Filippe III in it hehe :) Meaning is more like a symbol of freedom. The horse that broke its chains.

When I walk to work from home, I put on my headphones and turn on the DE soundtrack and feel like a citizen walking around the Jamrock center. I look at people in sidewalk running to somewhere, in hurry, full of life. I have high empathy and conceptualization skills, so observing people gives me great pleasure. I really like this kind of experiences. It makes me feel like I’m in the game. Well this game is life’s itself in a way so it makes sense for me. Anyway sorry for my language, I know it’s a bit mess. Thanks for reading.