MRI results weren’t normal but no diagnosis
20F. So I got a MRI on my head and the results say
“Slightly low-lying left cerebellar tonsil protruding 3 mm below the foramen magnum. Morphology is not suggestive of Chiari 1 malformation. Otherwise unremarkable MRI of the brain.”
I got a MRI before in like January and they thought possibly chiari but now it’s not suggestive that it’s Chiari. The doctor was a OB dr so he had no clue and told me to follow up with a neurologist. Which I am trying!! Just having trouble with my insurance right now. So for now I’m just wondering what some might think this could be?
As for my symptoms it’s constant migraines. Especially on the left side. And ice pick headaches. And now idk if these other symptoms are related but I’ll add them in anyways. When I move my head certain ways the back of my head to the left hurts. I get nerve pain a lot in that area. And pretty much all over my body. Occasionally get shortness of breath and chest pain and back pain. (Got scan done on my lungs and such and those came back clear). Heart rate gets high when standing. Heart rate gets pretty low while resting. Idrk.
Again I’m speaking to a dr abt this, finding a neurologist and such. Just having a hard time rn getting one. So for the time being. Anyone have any clue what this MIGHT possibly or could relate??