Trinity couldn't have been that good of a killer

I really don't think Trinity and the way he acts corresponds to what Lundy says about him. The way he portrays Trinity makes it seem like he's such a prolific and flawless killer that his mere existence sounds like a conspiracy theory, but in reality we see that Trinity is really impulsive, emotional and sloppy.

His m.o is really predictable and rigid too, it doesn't make sense that literally nobody else ever thought of the possibility of his existence or that he never left a witness. We see in the bludgeoning ritual that he goes to places like bars to insult people and get beaten, places filled to the brim with people and also cameras, but no one ever noticed him?

I like Trinity but they paint him like the most successfull serial killer in history when he's actually pretty reckless and wouldn't be that hard to find. Some christian charity housing org winds up in a small town and then 4 people die, this happens dozens of times and apparently no one could ever see the pattern