Make gun play feel like D1?
Obviously I’m not a expert on these sort of things but there’s clearly a different between the feel of shooting a gun in destiny 1 then shooting a gun (or the same gun) in D2. With thorn recently coming out in D2, debate has sparked throughout the community over how it feels and if it’s good or not. If your on pc (like with any gun In the game) it fills pretty good. By good I mean you probably could hit all headshots most of the time. On console, however, it’s absolute maddening trying to get 3 head shots at 150rpm. It’s definitely possible but only for the most skilled of console thumbs. It’s also hard to ignore these direct comparisons between the same gun in both the games (especially with guns as legendary as The Last Word and Thorn). I personally don’t understand why bungie can’t make some update that completely reworks things like range, bloom, recoil, handling, etc. to where it’s more similar or exactly like the feel in D1. I’m not very knowledgeable on how all these systems, (for example bloom) in the game work and campare to D1 but I do know there’s clearly a difference. My central question is why is it different? I think if a update was made to the game that changed gun feel back to how it is in D1 most of the veteran players that quit would be very interested. Many players don’t return to Destiny because of one thing, FEEL. And feeling in gun play is core (among other things). If the feel of D1 is returned then perhaps more players will return as well.