Still hunt catalyst

As we can all agree this sniper is very cool but is under performing a bit, so i propise that bungie add a catalyst to it!

And i know the perfect one that they could add! Seeing as though this gun is a bit of a love letter to cayde-6 i would love if the catalyst did nothing other than just trigger cayde-6 voicelines on kills, multiple crit hits and when you pop golden gun.

We all love shaxx complimenting us in the crucible but how much better would it be to have our favourite hunter gasing us up as we get a multi-kill with still hunt?

Doing big boss dps? Cayde-6 sees you even if your other fireteam members dont.

Killed 1 thrall with 3 shots of golden gun? Doesnt matter cayde-6 would still think it was a cool thing to do!

Tl;dr- this sniper rifle is amazing and i think you couldn't add any more numbers or mechanics to it so i just want some good ol' cayde-6 voicelines while i use it.