Armor Collections: Factions

  • Shelter in Place is a blatant reskin of Retrograde-TG2 with an unshaderable visor.

  • Brave is fine.

  • Vigil of Heroes is a chimera-reskin of Primal Siege (leveling armor) and Kairos Function. It's very ugly and the helmet is unshaderable.

  • Phobos Warden, Photosuede and Wall-Watcher are ritual playlist armor, so reskins.

  • Anti-extinction is a reskin of Wildwood, which is itself a reskin of Retrograde-TG2.

  • Simulator is a reskin of Exodus Down.

  • Sovereign is a reskin of Kerak.

  • Biosphere Explorer is ruined by unshaderable parts: the yellow bones do NOT shade. Eververse armor my ass.

The rest is Eververse armor so it is not earnable.