Starting to genuinely think the tariffs on Canada are deliberate economic warfare with the intent to crash Canada's economy as a prelude to full invasion

The messaging for the tariffs on Canada is all over the place and supremely incoherent. It's about fentanyl, except more fentanyl enters Canada from the US than from Canada to the US? Oh, wait, no it's actually a negotiation tactic to negotiate... what? Canada's appointed a fentanyl tsar and is trying to do what Trump wants in exchange for the tariffs ending... but Trump hasn't ended them. Except it's actually about economic disparity now?

The goalposts keep shifting, and at some point, it's becoming clear Canada's behavior isn't affecting anything. It isn't fentanyl importations or trade disparities or whatever that's being punished here.

It's Canada's existence.

Trump and his cronies probably know damn well that Canada's not flooding the border with fentanyl or anything. Which raises the obvious question - why are the tariffs actually in place? Does Trump even know?

I'm becoming increasingly convinced - and so is the Canadian government, it seems - that this is in service of the end goal of annexing Canada to the United States and extinguishing their sovereignty and independence. I think there's a memo sitting around the White House right now, spelling out a to do list that ends with American troops occupying Canadian territory.

It's not a joke, it's not just trolling, it's not some 4D chess negotiation tactic, it's not owning the libs, it's real groundwork for a full scale military invasion and occupation.

Bros, maybe I'm being gullible, but Trump's explicitly calling to 'revise' the border with Canada, and introduces a new tariff every day. It's hard to deny that he's deliberately trying to break their economy and intends to conquer them.

Maybe he'll initially demand the whole country, then 'compromise' with a piece of it - I've seen the land between Michigan and NY being suggested - and the 'moderate' right wingers will act like that's a totally sane thing to fork over, and Canada's being belligerent and risking war by refusing, while MAGA hails Trump as a hero. Or maybe Trump is fully intending to take every inch of Canada's territory and wipe them off the map.

Either way, I'm increasingly confident that Canadian territory incorporated into the US is the end goal, and the real purpose behind the tariffs.