Guys, I need help debating pacifists.

I live in Italy, which is almost certainly the most cucked, 'glorious isolation', 'why should I fight for this country if it hasn't given me anything (Read: which has actually given me everything)' nation in the whole continent of europe. And probably beyond it.

I can't talk to most of these people without flying into a rage. I don't know if we were always this fucking spineless or if we've just gotten way too used to peace over the decades.

Some will tie themselves into knots trying to intellectualize why we shouldn't fight and pacifism is actually the only moral high ground that we should all take. Others say they would never fight for europe or the country, they'd only fight for their hometown, or go up into the mountains and become guerrillas (motherfucker, who do you think you are the mujahideen, it's cold af up there and there's no pasta, you wouldn't last a night).

Others still say they want no part in some war fought only for the rich politicians. They don't seem to realize or care that we could become second-class citizens or slaves in our own country.

How do I get through to them, DGG? We needed to arm up the day before yesterday, and these folks are still just pissing in the wind thinking there won't be any splashback.