suicidal thoughts

if you have dpdr its likely you have suicidal thoughts . i do sometimes too . i know it’s hard to be optimistic dealing with it , i was looking at the statistics of people with dpdr compared to people without and the suicide / suicidal thoughts difference is INSANE . i’m so sorry to everyone that feels this way . i know it feels like it won’t ever go away and your anxiety will get the best of you and make you believe you are going crazy and you’ll be suffering forever , but you won’t ! don’t give in to those thoughts . try to IMMEDIATELY shut them down . the best way to recover from dpdr and feel like yourself again is by ignoring the symptoms and not giving in to the scary feelings ! when you’re scared and panicking remind yourself it’s a NORMAL brain reaction that you CAN AND WILL overcome . distract yourself the best you can , get away from people and sing , doodle on something , have someone make conversation , whatever you do , IGNORE the absolute hell out of that feeling and stay positive about it all ! you are not alone , you are not going crazy , you are not going to die from it , and you are real !! good luck !