This how the three Abrahamic religions see Mary

Why Quran see Mary as a special women ,while the Gospels not ?

The Quran tells the story of Mary's birth. When her mother was pregnant, she hoped for a boy to dedicate to the temple. However, she gave birth to a girl and prayed for God to protect Mary and her offspring from the devil. The Quran affirms Mary as the holiest woman to have ever lived. God commanded her to serve in the temple and assigned Zachariah to take care of her.

One of Mary’s miracles in the Quran is that every morning , Angel Gabriel would prepare a table for her with all kinds of food from every season.( Everyday since she was a kid )

When Zachariah asked Mary where she got all this food, she replied, "It is from God." Amazed by this, Zachariah prayed to God for a child, and God granted him a son—John the Baptist

While in the Gospels , Mary had zero importance at all except she was the mother of Jesus . Without anything special about her ( later Catholics gave her some importance, but based on the Gospels,Mary had zero prestige or being special ) .

While in Judaism, they see Mary as an immoral evil women , who slept with a Roman soldier called Pantera to have Jesus .