Scam from well-known Vocalist

Edit - Someone claiming to be Taylor Barber has replied stating they are wanting to refund people affected. You should not message this person on reddit and make sure you are communicating with them on Instagram for refunds to ensure you are talking to the real Taylor Barber. I have asked that they reach out to the affected parties instead if they truly want to rectify the situation as I'm sure there are many others who have not seen this post (and will not reach out to him) that have had their money taken.

Edit 2: Taylor has issued an apology on his instagram offering reimbursement to those affected. He has also messaged me advising he is going to be reaching out himself as I had suggested originally. I figured I would make a statement on the apology instead of having to reply to multiple comments:

Everyone is free to make their own mind up about the apology, but I personally (of course) still feel very burnt. The fact that he had years to make things right and is just now doing so speaks a lot. The nail in the coffin for me was that the merch option was never followed up on. He could have treated it as a normal merch purchase, sent me the clothes worth 80 bucks, taken his profit cut, and it would have been a win win. Personally, him not following through there speaks a lot about where his true intentions were as it would have been a great win win solution in my eyes. I'm glad he has apologized and is taking steps in the right direction, but it still sucks knowing this post (and lambgoat) is the only reason it happened after so many years with ample opportunity for him to make it right. I view him a lot differently now but all he can do is apologize and make steps towards change. Hopefully he continues to follow through.

Edit 3: Taylor has reimbursed me for the full amount I originally paid him. I've also received DMs of others stating they have been fully reimbursed. I still, of course, stand by my statement made in the edit above and I hope he continues to grow and learn from this.

Originally, I made a throwaway account seeking advice here as I wasn't really sure if I wanted to name drop at the time and was just looking for advice on how to handle the situation. After talking with other users in the comments, I realize I should have just made a post with full details as other people may have also been scammed in the same fashion. Reddit is also super difficult to navigate on a throwaway due to Karma requirements. Original Post.

Here are the receipts. I needed to split the videos into 2 parts due to file size. The pictures are not included in the screen capture so I could block out sensitive information. Otherwise, I would have screen capped the entire convo.

A bit ago now, a Taylor Barber was putting out advertisements to give vocal coaching lessons on Instagram. At the time, they weren't as popular and I'm sure money was tight. They asked for 80 dollars up front for an hour long lesson and scheduled it with me. They bailed on the lesson and many attempts were made to reschedule but every appointment was bailed on either by him just never reaching out, or him telling me they were too busy. After 2 - 3 cancellations, I asked if I could just get my money back as they seemed to busy (and I believe they genuinely were). He told me he was out of money due to being on tour and said we could reschedule next week or he could pay me when they stop touring. We set a date but he never reached out on the said day which was a pretty common trend.

Life eventually got busy for me as well since I was moving states and after multiple more attempts of scheduling a date, something always came up where the plans fell through. After 2 years of sparsely messaging back and forth attempting to schedule an appointment, I understood this lesson was probably never going to happen. A few months ago, I offered instead of a refund they could throw $80 of merch my way and we could just call it even. Multiple attempts have been made at this solution as well and nothing has ever come of it despite me providing a shipping address and size info they requested.

I obviously know I got swindled out of the money and I'm not wanting to fuck the reputation of the band/Taylor up as they do seem like genuinely cool guys and their music is great. My main concern after making my initial post on the throwaway account is that others may have felt similar to me who were also scammed. I did some searching online multiple times for other posts of scams occurring and found nothing. This made me feel like it was probably a one-off situation and I continued to attempt scheduling appointments or compromising to get some form of reimbursement. I know I'm a massive pushover for letting it drag on this long and it's honestly embarrassing for me as well to make such a fuss out of $80, but I realize now it is more important for me to make sure no one else gets scammed.

TL;DR - I was scammed out of $80 dollars for vocal lessons. Multiple attempts to either re-schedule or get reimbursement in some form over the course of 3 years. hasn't worked. (I know, I let it drag on too long).

Thanks for reading, I can answer questions if needed.