My take on the Monokuma Vs Korosensei debate (Remake)

Ok so this is a remake of my old posts talking about the Monokuma Vs Korosensei debate. I wanted to make a new one to combine all my old posts to make it easier to understand without having to go through like 4 different posts. I also just have a couple new arguments I wanted to share so…let’s begin.

A couple disclaimers.

  1. I’m not a researcher, I get a lot of my arguments from the G1 blog, statements I’ve heard and my own amateur research. If you disagree with anything I say or if I get anything wrong that’s fair, just be polite about it. I’m just doing this for fun after all.
  2. ⚠️ MASSIVE SPOILER WARNING ⚠️I’m not gonna be shy about spoilers so if you haven’t played/seen these series I highly recommend you don’t read this.

Now we can begin for real this time

Okay so remember when I said I wasn’t a researcher ? I’m already bringing it up cuz I have 0 idea how to calculate this so I’ll be using the G1 blog for this. I know they aren’t the most reliable but bear with me (pun intended) Monokuma fought Sakura one on one, who’s stated to be the strongest human alive. This should put her above characters like Mukuro and Genocide Jack, the latter of which was able to parry a charged hit from Big Bang Monokuma. Its head alone was able to part clouds which the G1 calculated to 2.3 megatons of TNT. I know chain scaling like that isn’t great so here are some arguments to make it better

  1. I think Big Bang Monokuma should be part of his arsenal so his feats directly benefit Monokuma anyway
  2. Genocide Jack never even tried rebelling against Monokuma in the first game which makes me think he’s stronger than her
  3. A group of Monokumas once flew so fast they also dispersed a cloud formation so scaling the original Monokuma to the Big Bang Monokuma cloud feat shouldn’t be too big of a stretch (Also I know it’s not combat applicable but a student named Nekomaru once took a shit so hard he destroyed a wall and cratered a huge chunk of a forest behind him. This is my favourite feat of all time I had to mention it somewhere)

As for Korosensei the biggest feat they gave him specifically was blasting Reaper 2.0 with a huge explosion that was calculated to be at 240.19 tons of TNT. Although if you scale him to reaper 2.0's own strength he definitely gains a boost in power. The G1 blog calculated Reaper 2.0 destroying a 30-story building with consecutive hits to be around 730 tons of TNT per hit. They also mentioned Korosensei dropping two giant steal beans on the planet but I don’t think this is a valid feat but we’ll get there later.
Oh and btw, about Korosensei and the moon. Yeah he didn’t blow it up. If you’ve seen all of Assassination Classroom you know why and if you haven’t what are you doing here !? Assassination Classroom is such a good anime why are you spoiling yourself with this 💔

Let’s start with Korosensei this time since I think he’s the slower of the two. I think his top movement speed is Mach 20-22 if we wanna push it and his reaction speed could go up to Mach 40.
For his movement speed the show explicitly says that a Mach 23 rocket was faster than him and we see him not being able to keep up towards the end. Oh, and for the Spear Of Heaven, which is a laser that the government shot at Korosensei from space for those who don’t remember. Him dodging it was calculated to just a little under Mach 22 which gives more credibility to his movement speed not being able to go above Mach 22.
As for his reaction speed he managed to start dodging Reaper 2.0’s attacks who supposedly moves at Mach 40.

Now for Monokuma. In UDG one of the Monokuma variants was able to block a shot from the hacking gun which shoots radio waves, making his reaction at least light speed. Komaru (who Monokuma should definitely scale above) also dodged a shot from point blank. If this seems like an outlier then he should scale to Sakura again who once punched so hard her fist caught on fire.

He’s also directly shown being able to fly to space which, according to Wikipedia, should be around Mach 33 (or Mach 23 according to the Assassination Classroom clip)

I'd say the last two lines are the most important as they translate to around Mach 32.6

Monokuma is able to tank hits from Sakura and with the Big Bang Monokuma scaling you could argue it‘s around 2.3 megatons of TNT. It also works much better for durability because not only did Big Bang Monokuma’s head withstand getting launched with enough force to part those clouds but it also withstood its head falling back on its body with little to no damage done to it.

Korosensei is able to tank hits from Reaper 2.0 which should put his durability at 729,3 tons of TNT. He also says his ultimate defence form can survive even a nuclear bomb which would put that durability between 600 kilotons to 2.2 megatons of TNT. Once again, I took that from the G1 blog

Remember when I talked about Korosensei dropping two giant steel beans on the planet, said I didn’t think it was valid and said we’d get there later ? It’s later ! Since the stat trinity is done I think this is a good place to put this. Anyway the feat in question is something I’ll call “The Korosensei Drawing Song” (if you wanna see it just type that on Youtube).
I think this feat is invalid for a lot of reasons.
-It feels super out of character for Korosensei to do that. One of the beans he dropped was in the middle of Tokyo which would crush hundreds of people. He would also get in a LOT of trouble for doing this and the news would be all over it but we don’t see either of those things happen.
-The manga disproves the feat. In chapter 7.5 they show the song except this time the beans are small enough to fit in his hand. Korosensei also says, and I quote, “Now then…Let’s try drawing it for real

To me this just proves that this feat in the anime just didn’t happen. Even if you say he actually drew it afterwards he wouldn’t have used the giant beans because of this and my other arguments from before.

I’m not even gonna try to compare the two because that one’s just an easy point in Monokuma’s favour. He’s a robot meaning he can’t get tired and thus, he could theoretically keep fighting forever.

We go from an easy point for Monokuma to an easy one for Korosensei. He used to be the reaper and killed countless people. Not only that but he also took a child who admired him under his wing. That kid had enough time to grow into an adult before Korosensei was transformed into what he is now. That shows he had several years of experience at the very least and even then it feels like a low-ball.

I grouped the two together because I’d argue they’re tied in both intelligence and battle IQ.
For Battle IQ, while Korosensei may have been the best assassin in the world, Monokuma fought the greatest martial artist in the world in a one on one fight. Martial arts may not seem as good as being an assassin but a reminder that Sakura is stated to be the strongest human in the world. The Assassination Classroom world is also a lot more grounded while the Danganronpa one is filled with humans with superhuman abilities. I would still call it a tie tho because Korosensei does have a lot more experience and has outsmarted other characters in fights before.

For intelligence the reason I say it’s a tie is mainly because Monokuma uses the Junko AI. Not only does he have a computer brain but the real Junko is able to analyse any situation and predict thousands of possibilities of how things could play out.
I did say I think they are tied for intelligence tho, and that’s because Korosensei is still incredibly smart. He’s able to teach every student in his class at once with his afterimages, many of which are studying different subjects. He has extensive knowledge of every topic taught in school and could predict what to do if a student got kidnapped during a school trip with shocking accuracy. He taught Okuda how to make a serum that let him turn his body into a liquid form. He reprogrammed Ritsu to add almost 1000 new functions in a single night.

Also I’ve heard the argument that Korosensei could reprogram Monokuma but I doubt it, or at least I doubt it would be enough to assure a victory. With Monokuma’s superior speed it would be extremely difficult for Korosensei to even catch him. If he somehow manages to catch Monokuma and pin him down he can also defend himself, use his copies to keep Korosensei busy or just transfer his mind into one of them.

Alright, let's finally talk about what most people would consider Korosensei’s biggest advantage, his physiology. Since Monokuma doesn’t have Anti-Koro weapons doesn’t that mean Korosensei instantly wins ? Nope, not only is that a huge no limits fallacy but Monokuma has ways to deal with his physiology. He could turn Korosensei into butter with one of his executions or send him to space which Korosensei himself stated was a fear of his.

If you don’t want to give Monokuma his executions then he could still fly Korosensei to space himself as we see him do with Monaca. He would just need to tire Korosensei out or pressure him to enter his ultimate defence form and Monokuma would already have won by that point.

To me Monokuma wins this pretty easily, he has much better stats, has ways to counter Korosensei’s biology and has many, many spares in case his main body is destroyed.