This pedophile said you told me what happened lol

You told me what happened. I kinda have a idea based off what yall was saying earlier. All im thinking about is my relationship is gone from me all from trying to love someone that didnt love me back. This clown is still acting like he doesnt know what happened even when hes looking at himself kill people. He just could not come to grips. I just wished Carpenter wouldve pinned him down its not like anything is going to change. If he wouldve stopped him in his tracks and said NO I didnt tell you what happened im showing you what YOU did. NOOO you dont have an idea you have a video that shows you EXACTLY what YOU did. Stop with all the ideas and you told me NOOOO YOU did this and here is you doing it. So no more questioning. NOOOO your life is not gone for trying to love someone that didnt love you back your life is gone because you killed 6 people and hurt dozens more when you ran over them in this video. See this video this is you killling people that is why your life is over. Dont ever mention Erika again she has nothing to do with this this is all on you. The rest of your life you dont ever have to say Erika again she is free she is doing wonderful she is going to get support from all over the country. You on the other hand you are a mass murderer and its on film and the whole world has seen it. Including your mother who you keep trying to call to see what the public knows. She knew it was you when she seen it on the news and they started bringing patients in the hospital she works at. She knew it when you called her and said get you an uber. That moment when she seen her car flying down the parade and running over people she immediately knew it was you. Which is why she called the police and said the vehicle had been stolen. Your mom gave you up she cooperated with the police and gave them your information and gave them her address so they could search the house where you lived in the backyard. Your own mother was ready for you to be locked up like an animal. After you got beat up by your nephew for stealing his phone and your mom broke the fight up remember that ? Remember how you pulled the gun on your mom and put the gun to her face then ran out the house and shot in the air. Remember how your own mother put a restraining order on you ? Well yea that woman wanted us to find your stupid ass and lock you up. Matter of fact she assisted us in finding you. Stop talking about Erika youll never ever speak to her again. The only time youll ever see her is during the trial when she points you out for the jury. If Carpenter wouldve said any of that nothing wouldve changed. He still wouldve been charged with everything and still wouldve played crazy and went to trial. It took the judge till day 13 to take the gloves off and punish him. She actually started after the dancing granny in the blue testified. Once she ended that cross thats when the game officially began. This will serve as my fuck darrell brooks rant for the day. Hes a pedophile that is 5'3 with big ass head and a wanna be fake ass rapper who hasnt brushed his teeth in 20 years. His kids hate him. His babymamas hate him. His mom is doing better now that hes put away. He deserves to rot with a ;ong agonizing life sentence dont let him off himself pump him with adrenalin and keep him alive for 100 years locked up in a cell with no sunlight and feed him with a iv no taste for the rest of his life not even water keep him hydrated through IV and have him chained to a chair watching himself driving through the parade and make sure the screams of the victims are played supoer loud in his cell over and over and over again.

You told me what happened. I kinda have a idea based off what yall was saying earlier. All im thinking about is my relationship is gone from me all from trying to love someone that didnt love me back. This clown is still acting like he doesnt know what happened even when hes looking at himself kill people. He just could not come to grips. I just wished Carpenter wouldve pinned him down its not like anything is going to change. If he wouldve stopped him in his tracks and said NO I didnt tell you what happened im showing you what YOU did. NOOO you dont have an idea you have a video that shows you EXACTLY what YOU did. Stop with all the ideas and you told me NOOOO YOU did this and here is you doing it. So no more questioning. NOOOO your life is not gone for trying to love someone that didnt love you back your life is gone because you killed 6 people and hurt dozens more when you ran over them in this video. See this video this is you killling people that is why your life is over. Dont ever mention Erika again she has nothing to do with this this is all on you. The rest of your life you dont ever have to say Erika again she is free she is doing wonderful she is going to get support from all over the country. You on the other hand you are a mass murderer and its on film and the whole world has seen it. Including your mother who you keep trying to call to see what the public knows. She knew it was you when she seen it on the news and they started bringing patients in the hospital she works at. She knew it when you called her and said get you an uber. That moment when she seen her car flying down the parade and running over people she immediately knew it was you. Which is why she called the police and said the vehicle had been stolen. Your mom gave you up she cooperated with the police and gave them your information and gave them her address so they could search the house where you lived in the backyard. Your own mother was ready for you to be locked up like an animal. After you got beat up by your nephew for stealing his phone and your mom broke the fight up remember that ? Remember how you pulled the gun on your mom and put the gun to her face then ran out the house and shot in the air. Remember how your own mother put a restraining order on you ? Well yea that woman wanted us to find your stupid ass and lock you up. Matter of fact she assisted us in finding you. Stop talking about Erika youll never ever speak to her again. The only time youll ever see her is during the trial when she points you out for the jury. If Carpenter wouldve said any of that nothing wouldve changed. He still wouldve been charged with everything and still wouldve played crazy and went to trial. It took the judge till day 13 to take the gloves off and punish him. She actually started after the dancing granny in the blue testified. Once she ended that cross thats when the game officially began. This will serve as my fuck darrell brooks rant for the day. Hes a pedophile that is 5'3 with big ass head and a wanna be fake ass rapper who hasnt brushed his teeth in 20 years. His kids hate him. His babymamas hate him. His mom is doing better now that hes put away. He deserves to rot with a ;ong agonizing life sentence dont let him off himself pump him with adrenalin and keep him alive for 100 years locked up in a cell with no sunlight and feed him with a iv no taste for the rest of his life not even water keep him hydrated through IV and have him chained to a chair watching himself driving through the parade and make sure the screams of the victims are played supoer loud in his cell over and over and over again.