Amin’s LeBron-Windy Opinion

I don’t wanna question Amin, because obviously he knows way more about the NBA and its surroundings than I do. But part of him blasting LeBron was ridiculing LeBron for his Windhorst comments related to Windy trying to seem closer to LeBron than he is. Amin said something like “Windhorst never claimed to be your friend or anything more than a journalist covering you”…which brings me to the point:

For the last 15-20 years, I have 1000000% been under the impression that Windhorst was more than just a journalist to LeBron. I’m not saying Windhorst claimed to be his friend, but I believe the way their relationship has been presented in the media lended itself to what LeBron said about them not being close. Am I on an island here?

To be clear, I don’t think that means LeBron needs to go on the air and say Windy isn’t his friend, but when their relationship has been presented like Windy is some kind of LeBron-whisperer for 2 decades by the media, I do understand why LeBron would want to come out and say that this isn’t actually the case.

But mainly I just wanna know if this notion they were buddy-buddy was just me reading into shit that wasn’t there, or if other people got that same idea.