Last minute switch to timed intercourse
We’ll make the call tomorrow afternoon to try and go through with an egg retrieval early next week or switch to timed intercourse over the weekend.
I have one good follicle that’s at 18.7 today and they’re going to let me come back in the morning after one more night of meds to see where my other follicles stand. We don’t want to lose the one good one.
I’m 41, but only for another month, and turned to IVF after RPL. This is my third and final cycle. The only euploid we got (2nd cycle) didn’t stick after FET in late September.
What would you do?
Update: based on my numbers this AM, my RE wants to go forward with egg retrieval on Monday. I’m glad for this news, and still dizzy from the big shift from yesterday. 🤞👼🧸