Choosing Between Follistim 450/Menopur 75 vs. Follistim 300/Menopur 150 for Final IVF Round
I’m preparing for my third and final round of IVF and could really use some advice! My first cycle used Follistim 450 and Menopur 75, which yielded one abnormal embryo (5 eggs retrieved). For my second cycle, I tried Follistim 375 and Menopur 75 (with Lupron), but it was canceled because my follicles were growing too slowly and there were only 2 small-sized ones.
For this last round, my RE is letting me choose between two protocols: either going back to Follistim 450 and Menopur 75, or trying Follistim 300 and Menopur 150. She said both options have similar efficacy, but since this is my last attempt (due to financial reasons), I want to make the best choice possible.
Has anyone here used both of these combinations (450/75 vs. 300/150)? Did you notice any difference in response, egg quality, or outcome? Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated!