possible cushings update
hi! i'm an 18F who started developing cushings symptoms around 2 years ago. I've always been an athlete (swimming and running for 12 years) and ate healthy. i started my period in may of 2023... and it's still going, literally has not ended to this day. also have a buffalo hump, moon face, red face, low libido, weight gain, blurry/crossed vision...all the things. another weird thing was that i did get uveitis in april of 24 and also had a terrible reaction to prednisone which they really wanted to look into. bounced all over specialties and eventually ended up at endocrinology. they ordered a late night saliva and my cortisol was normal, and a blood test and a 24 hour urine (still have yet to complete). this morning i got some lab work back- prolactin at 140.8, high ACTH at 96.9. high testosterone and low protein. the doctor claims “this could just be analyzed wrong” and is making me go to some lab place to redo my blood draw, which is very frustrating even though i understand they want it to be as accurate as possible. when my saliva test came back he said he ruled out cushings and wants me to get an MRI to see if i have a pituitary tumor- im sorry is that not the same as cushings?? why do i have all the symptoms and have for about 2 years now? is it possible this looks like cushings? i’m at a loss.