How does Solasta 1 compare to BG3?
So I played through BG3 when it first came out, and being a huge fan of DOS2 I was extremely excited for it, however the final product was... not impressive. Specifically the encounter balance, glitches, and story were all a huge letdown for me, and to a slightly smaller extent, quests felt very restrictive with how you could actually complete them.
I've played through about an hour of the Solasta 2 demo and I'm immediately sold. Some things that stuck out to me was that the UI was immensely better and I love how you can see every single dice roll being made. However seeing as that game is probably well over a year from an official release, I'm wondering how the first game holds up and if it makes any of the same mistakes that I disliked a lot with BG3. I've heard the Unfinished Business mod is a necessity, but aside from that, how is the game overall in comparison to BG3, specifically with the aforementioned problems I had? Does the first game retain most of the great UI the new demo has, and how are things like encounter balance and story?