Mau's sexual trauma
Trigger warning: SA
Just finished S1...
Everyone on this sub talks about how mau is crazy as f**k and that makes total sense to me, and i certainly agree.
But Answer me this: Why does Olna, and the majority of society just completely disregard Mau's incident of getting KIDNAPPED, RESTRAINED, HELD CAPTIVE FOR SEVERAL DAYS AND CONTINUOUSLY RAPED, AS A CHILD, BY AN INSANE PERSON.
This is completely ignored by Olna, seemingly most people on reddit, and presumably everyone in Mau's life except for Annie. The rape and trauma is completely glossed over, laughed about, JUSTIFIED ROMANTICIZED FETISHIZED AND MYTHOLOGIZED, and ultimately accepted. By everyone except Annie. (who is, what do you know, CONTINUOUSLY EXPERIENCING SEXUAL TRAUMA IN HER LIFE AT THE HANDS OF AN INSANE PERSON.)
How is it that when Annie brings this up on EPISODE 1, it is then ignored and we spend the rest of the season entertaining Mau's idiotic robert downey junior cosplay? Why is the therapy prioritized the way it is instead of addressing Mau's SA?
Like what is the point? Either address the elephant in the room or get these two people away from eachother and stop painting Mau as the mysterious, vagabond romantic and letting Annie get consistently victim blamed and gaslit.
also sorry for using the words "crazy" and "insane," I know this is a space where those words carry a lot of connontation, I'm using those words liberally and am kind-of-joking but also not.