Um... Yes, yes. Capitals, who would have thought?
Okay, I know I'm making this post on the Countryhumans subreddit which I don't know why but sure, let's go with it... Also it's late at night. Anyways. When it comes to this fandom, you see Countryhumans (A lot of them), Statehumans... Ish... But cities? Mostly capital cities. You know, the most important cities in the country that holds a lot of history. I don't know if it's just me going crazy or I'm stupid... Probably either one of them or both... But you barely see any capital cities or being mentioned at all, I can't draw but I can create them on gacha... (Yes I do have gacha... On PC shush) Just a question, I know the text is... Really confusing again it's late at night for me. Anyways, just a question like I said. You can avoid the post, hate me all I care, I'm just more interested why the capitals are barely mentioned in the fandom, that's all...