Post Copper IUD removal experiences
I’ve just come across this thread and started piecing all the bits together.
I’ve been saying to my husband for a few months now that it feels like my uterus is irritated, my mood is irritable, I have anxiety and I just feel like my hormones are out of control.
I have had multiple bloods in my hormones, thyroid and vitamin levels, no red flags, everything is stable. No explanation. I’m healthy, exercise regularly, eat well, see a psychologist for anxiety, I do all the right things on paper.
After finding this thread and others, it’s coming clear that these symptoms might be from my copper iud which I’ve had coming up to 2 years. I’ve had the copper IUD on and off for 10 years (taken out due to pregnancy/personal reasons), I think I’ve had 4 all up but I don’t feel like this was an issue with the earlier ones. Maybe it’s age? I’m 34 now.
The cramping mid month, the bloating, the pain during sex, heaviness is unbearable and I’m desperate for an explanation. I have IBS too but this doesn’t feel related, the pain is different. I’ve had a baby, it feels deep in my uterus.
What I want to hear is, people’s experiences post removal. What were your symptoms, did they subside, how long, did it make any or no difference.
I want to get it removed if it’s the cause of my issues, but I’m worried it’s not the cause and I’ll be removing it to no benefit.
I hate condoms and other than convincing my husband to get the snip (which he isn’t quite on board with yet), I have no other choice but to use as I also refuse hormonal BC.
**update had the IUD removed and after 6 months (yes my update is delayed) - I can confirm all symptoms went away almost immediately.
I wish I’d removed it sooner. My sex life has improved 10 fold.