How can people still believe in god?

I know my post isn't written as an opinion, nor I'm sure whether or not this is the right sub to post this, but I really want to know how people in this day and age can still believe in christian god.

I mean there aren't any proof for the existence of gods miracles other than the stories that have been written in the bible. There are multiple areas that have been edited and redacted during the course of history, and some of the meanings of the original scriptures may have changed when they have been translated.

I also see Christianity having multiple interpretations of (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox) to be very problematic for every Christian. I mean how should a christian know that he or she is following the correct version of the religion, where in fact there are multiple interpretation of that said religion. Not only that, The Bible consists of multiple events and claims that have been proven to be false. Here are some examples:

  1. Age of the Earth

Bible: Some interpretations of the Bible, particularly suggest the Earth is about 6,000–10,000 years old based on genealogies in Genesis.

Science: Radiometric dating and geological evidence show the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old.

  1. Creation Timeline

Bible: The Genesis creation account describes the universe being created in six days.

Science: The Big Bang theory and evidence from astrophysics indicate the universe formed about 13.8 billion years ago, with Earth's development taking billions of years.

  1. Talking Animals

Bible: The serpent in the Garden of Eden speaks to Eve (Genesis 3:1-5), and Balaam's donkey speaks (Numbers 22:28-30).

Science: There is no evidence that animals possess the anatomy or cognitive ability to speak human language.

  1. Stars Falling to Earth

Bible: Revelation 6:13 describes stars falling to Earth.

Science: Stars are massive celestial objects, and it is physically impossible for them to "fall" to Earth.

  1. Earth’s Shape

Bible: Some interpretations of verses like Isaiah 40:22 ("He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth") have been used to claim the Bible implies a flat or spherical Earth. In earlier interpretations, a flat Earth was assumed.

Science: The Earth is an oblate spheroid, as proven by centuries of observation and satellite imagery.

And some might say that they don't take the Bibles teachings and stories as absolute. For those people I want to ask: how do you distinguish the parts that you should take as a fact from the parts you shouldn't?