Why do nicotine pouches make me go so quickly?

My gastroenteritis told me in their 30 years of being a motility specialist I have the worst case of chronic idiopathic constipation they’ve seen. I’ve tried combinations of very strong scrips. Metamucil, Miralax, lactulose, Trulance, etc etc. Nothing. Still am bound up for days. I started chewing/y and found a love for Copenhagen pouches. Sure the nicotine is nice. Copenhagen makes me chill and brings me a dopamine rush. But it makes me go number 2 within 10 mins of the pouch being in my mouth. What gives? Why doesn’t working out, drinking lots of water, messaging my stomach and taking the most powerful scrips for chronic idiopathic constipation yield nothing. But a pouch of Copenhagen causes a bowel movement within minutes every time?