Massive Mobilization to Stop former Coalition Member (India) from Solo Win
So at first he was with a rival coalition, couple of his members went inactive after we decimated them for talking mad shit and false reporting to game moderators, (China and Japan) so we invited him to ours, thats when the trouble started.
Me (Brazil) and My Grandpa (Argentina) took out Japan and China with our Navy's and while our troops were on the way he stole all the land from out from under us.
We gave him a warning and ultimatum, either stay with us and dont go above 1500 VP's untill the team has had a chance to catch up or you get kicked & attacked.
He kept taking vp's and working with Saudi (who was in his original coalition) after betraying them.
Me and My Grandpa knew if Saudi remained they would become to large to handle, so we started the kick process on India and Moved all our troops to his empty cities & provinces when he reached 1500 VPs, he got scared and said he would comply. we gave him another ultimatum, if you want more VP's you are to get them from Saudi (We needed their relationship to end and we needed him to send his massive ground forces to the west so we could come in from the East, Thailand)
We strategically placed over 100 National Guard and 50 Infantry all over his territory focusing on the airfields and airbases so we could cripple his aircraft range to only operate in India.
It worked, we took all his Airbases and Now His army is on a long journey back home.
Several Naval Battles ensued where he lost 6 Cruisers 3 Destroyers and like 15 Corvettes. We now have Naval and Air Superiority, and have surrounded the Indian Ocean, the only thing stopping us from Landing is his Naval Patrol Planes Strikers/Fighters and The Sams/TDS
Me and Argentina stationed out of Diego Garcia have now invaded Sri Lanka where we have stationed many troops MRL's SAM's Railguns and Combat Aircraft to stage for the assault.
all in all i thought we would've had mass casualties by now but India out of pure desperation has made a lot of LOW IQ Plays.