Hate the toxic players on this game

I’d say I’m a slightly above average player that can stay competitive in most games. I’ve gotten up to All-American division in Ultimate Team head-to-head (between demoted/promoted a few times) and just got to All-Conference division in Road to the CFP.

But when I come across a good player that’s able to get the best of me or I’m just having a bad/ unlucky game, the grown ass men on these mics start taking things way too seriously. Constant shit talking every single play and keep screaming at me to quit since the game is out of hand. Can’t stand people that act like they’ve never won before

I almost never hop on the mic unless it’s to say good game at the end in a win or loss.

Had some people try to let me score with pity touchdowns and it’s pretty annoying. How is that fun for anyone?

I don’t like to quit out of games if I’m losing bad. I just think it’s no fun and I rather stay in the game and actually play no matter the score instead of stare at the menu again. It seems to make people really mad when you won’t quit in a blowout. It’s pretty hilarious

I get that shit talking is a part of video games, but this isn’t COD or Apex. We were all really excited for this game and I just wish the community was a bit more humble cause some of these people just make the experience online really irritating.