Moon music is INFINITELY better than MOTS and it’s not even close
I never wanna hear anyone say Coldplay can’t make great music anymore when MOON MUSIC just came out and it’s absolutely incredible and put together. I never wanna hear anyone say that they didn’t half ass on MOTS (which they did) and I never wanna hear anyone say that they couldn’t do better on the last record (which they clearly show you that they could still make amazing music if they wanted to.)
This sounds like a band playing together and it sounds like four albums meshed in one and it’s absolutely amazing. When you have songs like IAAM and 🌈, this validates everything that not just me, but a lot of other people in this sub have been trying to tell you guys and have been saying this ENTIRE TIME since MOTS came out and it feels so good.
It sounds like
Everyday Life
Ghost Stories
a touch of A Head Full of Dreams
and obviously MOTS all put together and it made this incredible record.
I’m just gonna Thanos snap MOTS out of my memory and just pretend that coloratura was released as a surprise single or something lol cause what a 180.