Ignored constituents going to Bernie Moreno's office. Join them!
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Wed March 12 10:00 am Bombard Bernie with Beucoup calls (virtual)
Wed March 12 10:00 am Wednesday at Bernies (in person)
or read on for more info
Ohio voters will be protesting grave threats to our state’s economy outside Senator Bernie Moreno’s office TOMORROW and every Wednesday.
Moreno’s idea of constituent service is to send an identical, automated, impersonal reply to some Ohio voters who have contacted his office, claiming he is “listening” to voter’s concerns. He refuses interview requests with legitimate media like the Sandusky Register and Cleveland.com Mobilize the Vote volunteers learned last week that calls from big dollar donors and CEOs are promptly put through to the millionaire senator. And they are not even taking down names or noting the issues they are concerned about. This is a standard, foundational practice for Members of Congress. But not Bernie So much for world class constituent services. Jon Husted is no better - he doesn't even have offices in Ohio!!! But we will get to that later
These are just a few of the things he is ignoring and abdicating the people's power to Trump and musk - he needs to hear from us and he needs to respond with more than just a form letter
Did you know that:
- Ohio is home to more than 700,000 Veterans and Active Duty - many stand to lose medical care
- Ohio is home to 83,000 Federal Workers many may lose their jobs with social security and other cuts
- More than 3 million Ohioans use Medicaid - 4 in 10 children and 1 in 6 adults; covers poor AND long term care AND drug addiction AND the disabled - Cutting medicaid was not supposed to be on the table
- Cuts are Affecting (likely closing) 8 National Park Service locations in Ohio - Cuyahoga Valley Park, Buffalo Soldiers Monument, Dayton Aviation Heritage Park, Hopewell Culture Park
- Bernie and Jon are ok with taking food from children - SNAP helps 1 in 5 children afford groceries; 90% of households using SNAP have children, older adults or individuals with disabilities; takes money away from school lunches. Food is not an entitlement - especially for children
- USAID funds for monitoring bird flu illegally pulled by Musk, while Ohio is 2nd largest producer of eggs and hurting badly from cuts
- Trump is deleting government data as bernie and jon look the other way - why it's important