Why builder hall 5 loot isn’t balanced?
When I was in builder hall 4, I had my builder working 24x7 and I’ve maxed it. I think it took me around 3 weeks but I’m okay with that because I kept my builder busy all the time.
But since I went to builder hall 5, I can’t get my hands on enough loot. An average upgrade costs around 700,000 gold and to get that much gold I have to attack about 40 times if my calculations are correct (Including with the daily star bonus).
I just want to know does the bb takes that amount of grind or am I doing something wrong?
Also, I don’t have a lot of time to play the game but I like to max everything before moving to a new level so that I get the full experience of the game. But I have to get the 6th builder asap for efficiency right? (I also care about efficiency).
I’m at town hall 8 and will be on 9 within next 2 weeks. So when did you guys got the 6th builder? Am I on the right pace? Should I rush it? (because it seems impossible to max everything unlike the normal base)