Can you all stop complaining about the update?

This is the best QoL update so far Instead of waiting half an hour to attack or war, I can attack twice in war and two to three times in multiplayer to get the star bonus. Not to mention how farming is gonna be super easy

it basically allows you to play whenever you want and still have an army ready. (Also, donations are easier.)

Yet people here complain about it.

“bUt ThE gOlD pAsS hAs LoSt ItS vAlUe!”

Buddy, the Gold Pass has a 20% boost to upgrade costs and times, magic items, a skin, and loot—easily the best offer in the game. A 20% boost to training is negligible compared to the stuff you get here

“tHe gRiNd Is GoNe AnD tHe GaMe Is NoW eAsY!”

The game has been easy since equipment release (and how does instant training make it easier?). And as for the grind the game is gonna update over time and add QoL improvements. Do you realize that if CoC didn’t update, they would lose players? And even go bankrupt? Do you think a player in 2013 would refuse instant training, the alchemist, no training cost, and time/cost reductions because of the grind? Hell no.

"bUt tHeRe WiLl bE a LoOt DrOuGhT aNd TrOpHiEs aRe EaSiEr tO gEt"

No, there won’t be. They added Snapshot Bases, where you take the loot, when the player has a shield it makes a snapshot of their base so they won’t lose loot or trophies. This was added to make sure there won’t be a loot drought, and the trophies gained are reduced to balance it for instant training.

As of now, the only negative in this update is that you can’t play and then force close the app anymore, since you have to wait. That’s not a big deal for Home Village, but it’s annoying in Builder Base and Clan Capital.

Stop complaining about nothing. It’s like that old man yelling at a cloud meme.