The Rarest Builder Base : Completed

It’s been over a year since I first posted this base on Reddit , and it’s finally complete .

What makes it rare?

After the builder base 2.0 update in may 2023, the villages got rearranged randomly , including the obstacles , which lead to this result ( shown in picture 1)

The Broken Battle Machine sits in a different place than usual, and the toombstones from the first tutorial defense are still there ( next to the Guard Post )

Unfortunately, I made this account after the Glowy Laterns spawned , and also i’m missing 3 limited time decorations that were available before I created this account .

Overall, 57 shovels were used in the process, lots of gems to obtain shovels , and most of all, patience .

I think the result is quite spectacular , but let me know what you think of it down bellow. 😀