I'll replace these derps with your characters!

Free raffle! I'll put your dragon in the place of one of these derps. There's raffles for all of them!


  • You can only submit for one spot, so choose wisely!
  • Add a reference for your character when submitting!

To enter for the derg behind the torch, put this emoji: 🔦

To enter for the derg in the water, put this emoji: 🌊

To enter for the derg on the log at the very bottom, put this emoji: 🪵

To enter for the derg stretched out on the pale moss, put this emoji: 🌱

To enter for the derg screaming, put this emoji: 📢

To enter for the derg in the back with the sugarcane, put this emoji: 🌵

After 24 hours, I'll put every submission into 6 different wheels and finish the drawing with the winners' dergs!

DA post: https://www.deviantart.com/clamber-cloud/art/I-ll-put-your-dergs-here-raffle-read-desc-1173894677

Free raffle! I'll put your dragon in the place of one of these derps. There's raffles for all of them!


  • You can only submit for one spot, so choose wisely!
  • Add a reference for your character when submitting!

To enter for the derg behind the torch, put this emoji: 🔦

To enter for the derg in the water, put this emoji: 🌊

To enter for the derg on the log at the very bottom, put this emoji: 🪵

To enter for the derg stretched out on the pale moss, put this emoji: 🌱

To enter for the derg screaming, put this emoji: 📢

To enter for the derg in the back with the sugarcane, put this emoji: 🌵

After 24 hours, I'll put every submission into 6 different wheels and finish the drawing with the winners' dergs!

DA post: https://www.deviantart.com/clamber-cloud/art/I-ll-put-your-dergs-here-raffle-read-desc-1173894677