About the weeping Kana

You know, it just dawned on me how whiny Kana really is. And you know, I would have more or less turned a blind eye to it if I hadn't realized one thing. You see, a 12 year old girl with an incurable disease died without shedding a tear and even smiling, while Kana is ready to burst into tears over any trifle. Yes, you might say, "Well, Sarina had Goro," and you're right, but the thing is that Sarina ONLY had Goro, and Kana has everything: Friends, work, popularity, fans. Kana can't accept the fact that Aqua might not love her, but at the same time, the dying Sarina, realizing that Goro might not love her, still died with a smile on her face. Conclusion; a 12 year old girl turned out to be more resilient than an 18 year old girl.