Undiagnosed Cause for Malnutrition
Hi all, I'm new here but I never really knew this subreddit was here and BOY do I need some support right now...
Since the last week of July 2024, I have had a severe lack of appetite. I can't eat more than one full meal a day. And no, it's not in one full sitting. I just don't know how else to measure the amount I can eat. I get waves of nausea, headaches, and fatigue... Along with all the symptoms of malnutrition from not eating. I've lost ~40 lbs since July, give or take a few lbs. I feel like I'm decaying away from the inside out. I bruise extremely easy (more than usual), I've got a huge amount of muscle and fat loss from lack of nutrition, lightheadedness, my balance is getting worse... And a whole list of gi related symptoms.
I've tried like... 3 different meds: 2 different anti-inflammatories, and zofran for the nausea. The only thing that had made any sort of difference has been the zofran. I've gotten about 4-5 different blood tests done, a dozen urine tests, stool sample, chest X-ray... And just had a colonoscopy AND endoscopy done on the 26th (which my GI doctor said was clear as can be, but he did take biopsies just to be safe) and I had a chest, abdomen, and cervix CT on the 28th. Just waiting on the results for the CT and biopsies. But here's my thing, right?
I've been sick for almost half a year now. Just over 5 months, to be exact. Every test has been clear, negative, etc... and no doctor is going to treat me without a diagnosis. But they can't diagnose me if not a single test shows ANYTHING.
My mom keeps brushing me off and changing the subject every time I bring up wanting to check myself into the ER at this point. I feel like I'm rotting away. It's like I can FEEL the muscle d*ing inside me, and don't get me started on how my stomach feels sometimes.
What I want to know.... Is: Exactly how long do I sit and wait, wasting away, until going to the ER is no longer just a choice for me? ((Any advice is welcome. Please.))