Is the earth eternal?
I am a Christian, but things aren’t making sense to me lately. We obviously know that the earth was not created by an eruption. Even if it was there’s no way for humans to randomly appear, or apes turn into humans, or apes to randomly appear. So if God isn’t real what’s real? What if the earth has just always been here and everyone and every animal on it, and when we die we come back alive as someone else, on repeat. I’m starting to believe that because people share what they see when they died and some people say hell, heaven, God, or nothing but a peaceful feeling, or just pitch black. Why does everyone see something different? Do we just see after death what we believe in in the time we lived? Are we in a simulation? Seeing peoples testimony’s and even my testimony makes me believe in God, also the prayers he’s answered and the insane things he’s done for me, but I’ve came to realize if your looking everywhere for something of course you are gonna find it. People are so passionate in what they believe in because they chase it, so of course I will have this feeling following God. Another thing is if God knows everything before it has happened, why did he even create Adam and even in the first place? Why did he create satan? He knew everything that was gonna happen but instead of making satan good or not letting eve be easily deceived he cursed them, saw all creation was evil and killed everyone. Why not just make everyone good? I believe in God because something can’t come from no where. You can’t take nothing and make something, so we come from Adam and Eve. Is god actually evil? Why would he allow us to hurt and allow me to question him. I tell him to show me he’s real and he shows me nothing even when I’m looking everywhere. He sees me sobbing saying how confused I am and instead of showing me something that only he could show me he chooses to watch me hurt and sob. I feel like anyone would just say have faith but that’s not even realistic if he can’t give me a reason to.