Are they all like this?
I just started at a chipotle, I’ve worked a total of seven days. And the whole place is on fire. So far…
A customer came up to me on my second day holding a whole lime given to her by another employee when she asked for lime.
cash drawer had 0 coins in it for the duration of a 6 hour shift. I told 2 managers and neither communicated to me that we had no change. Our drawer is always short.
a new hire that started at the same times as me quit in the spot because he was stranded in the line on his fifth day while all the employees laughs behind him while he struggled to wrap a burrito.
Tickets left open on the register causing it to crash. I bring it up to multiple managers and they do nothing until we’re swamped and the register suddenly doesn’t work.
all management handles rude customers by being rude back instead of offering solutions.
I needed to call in sick today and nobody answered the phone. My manager didn’t answer my texts so I literally had to walk to the store to tell them I wasn’t coming because I had no other way to communicate to them I wasn’t going to be in.
I’m really at a loss here. I want to make this job work because I remember when chipotle was an amazing place to eat! The last thing I want is to lose another restaurant in my area because they can’t get their shit together. Help!