Euthanizing a pet…

When it was revealed that Tonka didn’t have heart failure it sent me into homicidal rage. I adopted a dog from a hospice list at the shelter and I spoiled her. I foolishly felt like I understood the fast food. I know I’m going to get hate but when the vet gave us 2-3 weeks before it was time, my girl got whatever she wanted honestly. Table scraps all day every day, she was with me for a good time not a long time and I made a judgement call. But a non terminal animal?!?!?!?

Anyone who has loved an animal and had to euthanize understands the devastation. There is this crippling line you toe between “am I being mean and keeping them around too long? should I say goodbye before there is suffering” and “am I cutting her life short, are there still good days left?” I wouldn’t wish that stress on anyone. It feels like you’re playing God and no one has the right answer and so you just try to do the best you can and always feel like you’re failing.

So much constant thought goes into ending a life of a loved fur friend at the end. But it WASNT HIS END AND SHE WAS THINKING ABOUT EUTHANASIA?!?! That isn’t love. Myself and I am sure millions of others would move heaven and earth for more time with their friends. But she’s basically poisoning with fast food and trying to euthanize. Not. Love.