ChatGPT Plus - Is it worth the $20/mo?

I've been using the Free tier for almost a year and recently I've found myself using it more often to the point where I'm being limited and given cooldowns of several hours.

I use the document upload a lot for comparing and summarizing various personal/business documents and that's where I seem to hit a limit most often (specifically with document upload).

I guess the question is, how much more of a limit will I have with Plus and do the cooldowns last as long as they do with the Free tier (just with higher limits)?

What other benefits would I receive over what the Free tier gives me besides the higher limits? I'd love to have an Unlimited option but it seems the only way to get that is to pay $200/mo which I simply can't justify with my current workflow.

Edit: Thank you to everyone who commented. I ended up subscribing to Plus (will test it for several months to see how things go). So far so good, loving the fact I can now create projects and create custom GPTs. So many added benefits that I was missing out on from Free. Also haven't hit any limits yet (although it's still early :)