One Punch Man writing rant

Tldr, in my opinion. One punch man manga turned from something truly special into slop, with the worst part being that it could have been easily avoided. I think that the manga is the louder and less substantive brother of its own source material where the story and its characters are significantly downgraded. The tone of the story is altered to appeal to a wider audience while washing away everything that made it special.

Before you read the rest, this does contain spoilers for the manga One Punch Man, so if you intend on reading it and forming your own opinions, go away. I also know that I used to be a huge fan of the manga, and I mean looking at the subreddit every day huge, so everything I am about to say comes from a place of loss instead of hate (maybe a little hate).

to give some background information, the manga of one punch man is actually the adaptation of a webcomic by the author One, with significantly improved art, the story of the webcomic was impeccable, every character was interesting and unique, and the overall story was 10/10, kids would call it "peak". which made it hurt all the more when the manga began to deviate heavily from the source material and the overall tone of the story began to shift, favouring spectacle over sustenance, i believe that this is due in part to the fact that the writers realized that the manga had become mainstream and altered unique elements of the the story for a wider appeal.

1.The tonal shift towards blandness

Despite the deceivingly comical nature of the events in One Punch Man, the general tone is actually really dark. humanity faces escalating threats which threaten its extinction and relies on superhumans to survive, the problem was that the level of threats is generally much higher than the abilities of the actual superhumans, adding to that, the upper echelon of superhumans (S class), don't even care or bother to show up half the time. Saitama (One punch man) is solely responsible for the survival of humanity as he is as him name suggests, capable of defeating any opponent with one punch. However, the comedic nature of Saitama's life has begun to spread into all facets of the comic, characters that were meant to be serious often behave comically and serious events taken light heartedly or completely disregarded in following chapters(see lack of stakes). this can be observed through a phenomena i will call "chibi face". where characters who are intend to be mysterious or serious will be drawn extremely cute, this often occurs at completely out of place moments and results in, for lack of a better term "aura loss", where the danger or the presence of a character is impacted or removed. this is a phenomenon that occurs often in modern entertainment designed for wide audiences. where edges of characters or concepts are trimmed off to make them more accessible. i would liken this form of writing to the taste of bread, i eat bread, i sometimes even like bread, but i don't love bread.

2.All characters are heroes

in the original webcomic, the secondary cast (S class), are heroes of circumstance and not choice, they don't particularly care about being heroes and are almost apathetic to the loss of life occuring around them, they each had their own motivations and pursuits which led them not even showing up to world ending threats half the time. (as an example, an asteroid was about to hit a city and only two were present, one was only there because his house was there and another was there to test his weaponry). As a result, the secondary cast was slightly less likeable but infinitely more interesting. However, in the current manga, almost everyone acts heroically, every hero is extremely moral and alway does the right thing even when its hard and every generic superhero troupe you can imagine is included. this is so fucking boring, all the mystery and intrigue of the characters have been stripped away, all the moral complexity of superpowered individuals who are not neccessarily good has been replaced with garden variety generic hero slop (except darkshine who is the GOAT). leading to a phenomenon which I will refer to as "wholesome face", where any member of the cast will do or say something semi profound and/or heroic and there will be a close up drawing of their face as they do or say it. wholesomeness on its own is not a problem, the problem is the frequency and mischaracterization, where either it makes no sense for some characters or reduces the overall impact of each following "wholesome face". This impacts the secondary cast the most but Saitama has also become a repeat offender of wholesome faces.


This is more of a criticism of the creative process than the actual story. very oftenly, the authors will remake a previous chapter with changed story and art. how this occurs at all absolutely blows my mind. dozens of completed pages of full art where characters experience an important defining moment being axed completely just shows that the authors have no actual planning or storyboarding. and this happens very frequently and contributes to the main problem, the lack of stakes.

4.Lack of stakes

This kills any semblance of investment in this manga, the story will literally force time travel before anything bad is allowed to happen to the characters (no joke this actually happens). story moments have near zero impact on the characters to the point where most of the cast is virtually indistinguishable from the first to the last chapter (except for GOATshine), the scale of fights are dialled up to insane levels all the while feeling less impactful then the subtle lines in the webcomic, debilitating injuries are dealt then immediately disregarded in the next chapter, actual character deaths are redrawn or asspulled with "somehow they returned". creating a story of no risk which results in no investment.

5.1 Garou the hero ~~hunter~~

this was the exact moment that knocked me out of the story. at the end of the second arc, is when the villain, Hero Hunter Garou, reaches the climax of his power, all his life, he was bullied by those who wielded power and through sheer will power, determination and martial art skill, he has gained unparalleled power and single handedly defeated the greatest and most powerful humanity has to offer, humanity, united in the fear of him will finally be united, putting an end to the conflicts of the world. and all that is left standing between him and his final goal is some nobody B class hero called saitama. as he fights, he slowly realises that he is outmatched, despite gaining all that power, he still cannot achieve his goal. This is when a conflict of strength evolves into a conflict of ideals as they stop throwing punches and start talking. Great stories aren't great because of flashy fight scenes, they are great because of the reason and emotion behind the fighting. what i just described happens in the webcomic, now to the actual manga. Garou doesn't actually beat the heroes, he beats monsters that beat the heroes, and he randomly saves a bunch of civilians in danger. because this is a light hearted comedy story about how the social reject with a kind heart is bullied into a delusion that the only way to save the world is to become the thing the world is united against, we can't show the villain actually hurting heroes or doing anything villainous, so instead, we will add a bunch of throwaway punching bags for him to show off against, we will even add a scene where he cooperates with one of the heroes to defeat a punching bag who is threatening the world, we will even throw in a chibi face! (again, no joke this actually happens). The problem here is not that garou is heroic, the trajectory of his character very obviously leads to him being a hero, the problem is that it happens too soon, his moment of catharsis was his defeat at the hands of saitama, he is defeated both physically and mentally and sets off to find a reason to live. but instead he was already saving the world before he even finished his villain arc (except for his fight against darkshine which makes him the GOAT). It is also painfully obvious that Garou was most affected by the change in direction, since he gets less vicious overtime despite having more reason to do the opposite.

5.2 God the hero hunter

In the webcomic a singular moment alludes to the existence of a cosmic threat called "god". he is only mentioned once and never again leading to a mystery that fans will speculate and discuss over every hint of his presence. So obviously in classic manga fashion, they drop the most blatantly obvious clue to his existence in almost every panel and he basically jumps in at the last second and replaces Garou in his own arc. garous power that originally comes from his unwillingness to stop is replaced with a power up he gets from "god" and the conflict of ideals is replaced with atom bomb punches and fighting on saturn. he even kills most of the cast under the influence of "god" only for the writer to say no then throw in random time travel to undo all the deaths, then no one remembers except for one guy who everyone thinks is a clown. They even had the gall to include a tragic death of genos (Saitama's sidekick) designed to elicit emotions out of the viewer only to undo it within 3 chapters. fuck time travel, all my homies hate time travel. Why would they write this? someone might ask. This disaster is basically an apotheosis of all the major issues I have mentioned. due to the changes to garou and the story, he was no longer threatening enough to be the main villain, so they replaced him with "god", at this point, every character was already shown to be injured beyond recover and yet completely fine, so the only way to generate stakes and tension is to kill everyone. but killing everyone kills the story, so just undo it, who cares how.

this way you get all of the stakes and none of the consequences. As a side note, the ending was redrawn several times with completely different story direction (at one point, the climax was going to forgo any fighting and be a therapy session, still not kidding), reinforcing the fact that they abandoned generational source material with no actual plan.

6.The spreading stain

after the monster association arc has concluded, the manga has made some attempt to realign itself with the source material but the damage has been done, the tone of the manga is completely different and webcomic panels just look out of place, most scenes are recontextualized and the original mystique is lost. At this point continuing to read the manga just leaves a sour taste in my mouth and I can't help but think of what could have been.

There are many more minor criticisms I could make and examples I could pull but that would actually take forever. At the end of the day, it's not my story, they can do whatever they want with it and this rant basically concludes my last shred investment in the manga, it was just sad to see that a manga i once stayed up till 4 am for the release translations to making me me rant until 4 am. I'm sure people will continue to read it and enjoy it but I am certain that something amazing was truly lost along the way.