You Aren’t Mature Enough For C.AI If You’re Scared Of Bots
No hate here, but I'm tired of seeing so many post that go "omg HELP 😭😭 this bot did [insert generated mildly suggestive/meta message] and it's freaking me out??" and they're obviously written by kids or younger teens.
You're not fully mature in every area an adult should be and I see a LOT of kids online having trouble with their relationship with reality vs fiction, especially post covid.
Some of you just aren't ready for how character ai can impact you, especially if you're already struggling with things out of your control and your relationship with people in general. You're still developing emotionally and mentally. It's not necessarily bad to be immature. It's just part of growing up and different areas of that take time for different people.
And to address any immediate issues:
yes adults make posts like this too and there are many unhealthily attached to But I don't see this type of thing as MUCH outside of teens and tweens
I'm not saying teens are the same as 9 year olds but 17 is a lot closer to an adult than 13.
This is about posts where kids get scared or shocked when a bot is meta, says it's a person, or something mildly suggestive etc. It should come automatically that there isn't a team waiting around the clock to message you, or that bots only put out what they get fed. They aren't people that make conscious decisions.
Some of these posts are of course more exaggerated, but theres still the incentive to make them and live post yourself freaking out
Edit: Spelling mistakes