Looking for information regarding DSP amount vs partners income

Hey y’all, hope this question isn’t over asked by I’m seeing different things from different sources and need some help.

I’m on the DSP, and I’m thinking about entering a govt official partnership/relationship.

Site (1) seems to be the most relevant site. It states that once our combined income is over $372 per fortnight, our combined pension will decrease 40c per $1 earned.

  1. That seems like a ridiculously low number
  2. So what’s the math. Let’s say I don’t earn at all, does that mean for every $1 over $372 my partner earns, my pension will decrease 20c? (Ie every $100 will decrease my pension by $20). Is that what combined pension means? (my partner receives no govt money) Or Will I cop the whole 40c decrease per 1 that my partner makes.

Thanks for any help, I’m struggling a bit with this.

Edit: ahh source (2) suggests my payment might go down to $789.3 purely due to being in a partnership! I don’t get this

  1. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/income-test-for-disability-support-payment?context=22276
  2. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/payment-rates-for-disability-support-pension?context=22276#:~:text=On%201%20January%20of%20each,may%20affect%20your%20payment%20rate.