How many times do you poop a day?
I (27 F) was diagnosed 11 years ago, and I am extremely well managed. I don't get toilet or bed-ridden anymore, and I hardly have gut pain from celiac disease these days. In the first few years of my diagnosis, I found myself screaming in pain often. I've come a very long way. I'm doing better than my pediatricians told me I ever would be. My recent colonoscopy&endoscopy actually showed no signs of celiac disease according to my doctor. That certainly doesn't mean I don't have it, though. I really have just healed that much. However, I find that I poop far more than the typical person does. I typically have 4 poops a day. 3 in the morning, one at night. It feels natural and healthy to me, and when I poop less I feel bloated and crampy. It isn't often that I get stopped up, though. I've eaten the same things daily for years. With so much work and care I've put into my health over the years, I feel that I've reached my peak of health. I don't have trouble gaining weight like I used to; in fact the opposite now. My metabolism isn't crazy fast, but with how much I poop compared to typicals you'd think it would be.
How much do you poop, and where are you at in your celiac journey?