Friends wedding having vegan but no celiac safe option

** edit** since everyone loves jumping to conclusions or assuming everyone is dramatic. I will not be throwing a tantrum with these people, we wanted to bring up the convo and express how it sucks and isn't fair especially since venue will not allow me to bring my own food. If these people are truly okay with their best friends partner starving all day for their wedding then maybe it's a reflection of their character. I'm starting to see why the celiac community is labelled as insufferable thanks to most these comments

My partner and I were invited to his best friend's wedding in August and today I found out that they will not be having any celiac or gluten free options at their dinner but will have a vegan option. My partner and I have been together for three years, all of his friends are aware of my celiac disease and my soy allergy, but it's never really affected them. However a mutual best friend of the groom and my partner are vegan (by choice) and they are making sure to have a vegan option for the one vegan attendee. I feel so pissed about this especially since I have hosted multiple dinner parties where I have made sure things were vegan and mushroom free ( mushroom free because the vegan guys gf said she was allergic turns out she just doesn't like mushrooms but whatever) and all other allergen friendly meals and I don't even get anything the one time. Currently I'm feeling petty and considering just taking back my rsvp but will think on it. Anyone else been in this situation before? Did you confront the person? How did it go? Thanks!