My friend sometimes pokes or disrespects my faith, I need help:
happy Sunday y'all. so I'ma just get right to the chase: I'm a young practicing Catholic and I'm surrounded by many unbelievers at my school (not judging them just putting it out there). I have this buddy of mine (I'll call him Bart, sorry couldn't think of anything else 😭) and he is more so an agnostic (I think). That being said, he knows that I'm Catholic but he sometimes pokes fun at God or Jesus or anything related to y faith. For example, the other day he and I were just casually walking and talking and he joked "I know what God's name is, it's Chuck" I felt the urge to say something but I stayed silent (I probably shouldn't have). He sort of laughed it off but it didn't sit right with me cause he makes these sort of remarks from time to time, despite his knowledge that I believe in God.
So what should I do? Should I talk to him or cut ties with him if he doesn't stop? Honestly anything helps.
Ty, God Bless 💕