Mass guide for new Catholics?

Hi everyone, I’m looking for book suggestions on a missal targeted specifically for people new to Catholicism. I have a very good friend who is in RCIA right now and will be baptized on Easter. He’s brand new to everything—going to Mass, praying, everything. I’ve attempted to walk him through the Mass using the pew missals, but all the flipping back and forth is extremely confusing. Obviously, there has to be some page flipping, but this one expected you to know why and when with very little explanation. Even as a Catholic of 24 years, I was getting confused because I just know all the words and following along in the book was a headache.

So, are there any really nicely laid out Mass missals friendly to new Catholics? Maybe even something that explains very briefly what’s going on during each part? That way he could read it at home to learn more about the layout of Mass. I’ve given up to the point of considering writing my own little booklet for him.