Please join me in laughing at the proposed monstrosity my demolished childhood home is to become

My grandparents purchased this property back in the late 50s/early 60s for a small sum. My parents and I moved in here in the early 2000s, but the property was sold after few years back after my grandma passed (we never owned it, it remained in my grandma’s name, and the money from the sale was split among her children.)

Anyway, with that backstory out of the way, let me tell you the hilarious story of the property sale.

Apparently a great offer was made by a guy who wanted to fix up the place and live there himself. The sale was apparently denied by the city, because his modifications would mess with the “greek revival” aesthetic of the property.

A lower bid was then made by a developer, and apparently their offer was OK’d by the city. I guess if you COMPLETELY DEMOLISH a property, that is fine, but certain modifications are a step too far.

Even though I was sad at the idea of a developer buying the property instead of a person who actually wanted to live in it, I was ultimately OK with it if it meant the single family home with ample backyard was turned into multi-family housing in the city.

BUT NO!!!! The proposed new building will still remain single family somehow, maybe it was pushed through before Cambridge zoning changed, I have no idea how that whole system works to be frank.

Anyway, please join me in laughing at this, because I don’t know how else to cope.