Rude teammates
Guys, why almost everytime I play ranked SnD, I legit have the rudest teammates ever. The thing is, it be the ones grouped already that are hella rude just cuz I’m solo. They be talking mad shit but they spectating ME! Whoever disagrees with SnD having the most rude/toxic people in it is crazy. Like I was playing SnD the other day & this guy was yelling in the mic “BRO PICK UP THE BOMB WTF ARE YOU DOING SO DUMB F-ING BOT”… dude.. why would I go take the bomb when I know the enemy is camping it.. shouldn’t I kill the enemy first? They just be screaming and yelling in the mic sounding like their breath stinks 😷 it’s just really annoying, literally makes the game so less enjoyable for me. FYI; they’re not just rude to me, they’re just rude to whoever they’re spectating. No matter what, I never yell or curse out my teammate when I’m spectating. If we win, we win & if we lose, we lose. Never that serious
PS: I keep the team voice chat open for call outs but I think imma just turn it off, f that